PriorityChef Whistling Kettle
Extend to a LIFETIME Warranty Registration
Register Below To Secure Your EXCLUSIVE LIFETIME Warranty + Welcome $10 coupon
Enter your name and email below to register your PriorityChef Whistling Kettle for a LIFETIME warranty.
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Copyright 2025 PriorityChef.

Q: Does the lifetime warranty apply to items purchased from resellers?
A: Our lifetime warranty does not cover products purchased from any unauthorized resellers (i.e., anyone other than Priority Chef). We appreciate your support in buying directly from us. Our warranty fully covers new items sold and shipped by Priority Chef.

Q: Is basic wear and tear covered?
A: No. Normal wear and tear, or any damage caused by improper use, is excluded from all of our warranties.

Q: Are used products covered?
A: Our warranty only applies to items purchased in new condition. If an item is resold, labeled “open box,” or sold as “used,” it does not qualify for our warranty. However, if you bought a used or refurbished product through Amazon Renewed, they offer their own 90-day warranty - please contact them directly for assistance.